List of Zionist crimes

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This article is a list of crimes considered Zionist Political Violence as carried out by Zionist individuals and militant groups in the period 1882 until 15th May 1948 when the state of Israel was declared.

While Palestinians suffered throughout that period, there was an additional wave of attacks on Palestinians by the British in the period 1936-1939 (the "Great Arab Revolt"), clearly out of proportion to any "resistance" that may have been going on.

When these British attacks were halted after the 1939 White Paper, the Zionists turned their considerable terrorist skills on the Mandate administration.

Some of the attacks are excused as retaliation for political attacks, but many look like aggression with no valid excuse. The Palestinian population has been blamed for purely criminal attacks occuring in a deteriorating security environment caused by mass evictions that the British were allowing or even causing to happen.

The criteria used for this list: deliberate attacks committed by Zionist militant groups, against civilians and security forces. Perpetrator(s) may or may not be included in this list. Injured may not be included.

It is not clear that the Zionists ever suffered true political attacks from the Grand Mufti Hajj Husseini or any other organised group, but in any case, such violence belongs on another list.

Political violence or Terrorism?

Western sources normally consider the use of indiscriminate attacks on civilian populations terrorism and illegal under international law and may or may not consider attacks on security personnel to be terrorism.

However, resistance to colonialisation may be legal, either according to the UN Charter, or according to some UNGA (non-binding) resolutions. Members of the UN are required not to use violence, unless authorised by the UN, and to go to the International Court of Justice (the ICJ) in case of dispute.

Warnings are required if a military force is attacking into civilian areas - it is not clear that any warnings were given in the case of the King David Hotel bombing (91 dead) or by any other Zionist action. British warnings of attacks on Palestinians were perfunctory at best.


The "New Yishuv" of Zionists was heavily militarised and had been so since 1919 (Jabotinsky[1]) or even 1908 (settlement guards). J. Bowyer Bell's book "Terror out of Zion" says this:

During the summer of 1936, the Haganah ... began the creation of special groups ... ultimately become the Palmach, a mobile striking force. ... various Haganah units interpreted havlaga as permitting preventive ambushes, decoys, and night fighting on the edge of Arab villages. ... those in Haganah-bet ... considered the other Haganah as a pawn of the left, hampered by socialist dogma that prevented an effective defense of the Yishuv.[2]p.34

In addition, all Zionist settlements were fortified - a feature that separated them completely from Palestinian society.{cn} Deir Yassin and Huj and Abu Gosh and many other Palestinian localities expected and even looked forward to the new Zionist sovereignty, even though they were well outside the partition boundaries (cf UNGA Resolution 181).{cn}

The first known Palestinian victim of Zionist violence was in December 1882, an "accidental" killing by a settlement guard. We only know of it because the responsible, Rothschild owned, settlement of Rosh Pina, held the man in prison for 8 months and exiled him from the country (though declaring him innocent).[3]

Early examples of Zionist Political Violence are poorly documented, but the problem had certainly arrived in Palestine by 1920 when a bomb of some kind was thrown at a religious procession in Jerusalem, as recorded in the Palin Report, finally available to us 90 years late.[4]

It is important to note that, starting in November of 1936 (ie 6 months after the troubles began) and continuing until 1939 between 52 and 57 fortified settlements (known as Tower and stockade) were built by the Zionists on land claimed by the Palestinians (evidence that any of this land was purchased has never been presented). The form of construction was a bulletproof wall surrounded a small compound containing living facilities. A tower carried a dynamo powered spotlight with which approaching forces could be illuminated and defended against.

Although attacks on these new settlements are reported, none of them were destroyed. Only one Zionist settlement anywhere was ever over-run, in Galillee in 1948.

Background to the "1936 Arab Revolt"

Details of a serious Arab revolt is thin. It is known that on Sunday, April 29 1936 some form of riot erupted on the streets of Arab Jaffa. Nine Jews are reported killed and the mob advanced on Tel Aviv, to be met with police fire.

Immediately thereafter, according to "History Today":

A "National Committee" met in Nablus on the 20th [Apr 1936] and declared a general strike on the 22nd. The strike call was repeated by national committees in other towns, and finally by a Higher Arab Committee in Jerusalem on the 25th.[5]

General violence became a problem from the middle of 1937, around the time that the Peel Commission advocated partition.

1936 attacks on "Arabs"

Date Location Nature Dead/Injured Notes
17th Apr 1936 near the Jewish town of Petah Tikvah retaliation Two Arabs killed Two Jews had been murdered by Arab 'bandits' (the official term) on the road between Tulkarm and Nablus - nine more killed subsequently.[5]
16 June 1936 Jaffa British Army blasting Unrecorded A "massive series of demolitions" in the old city of Jaffa.[6][7][8]
July 1936 Tel Aviv? Haganah-Bet fired on a trainload of Arabs. Unrecorded Retaliation for "an Arab tossed a bomb from a train as it passed Herzl Street in Tel Aviv. Several Jews were wounded". "Terror Out of Zion"[2]p.40

1937 attacks on "Arabs"

Date Location Nature Dead/Injured Notes
21 Apr 1937 Safad-Tiberias road Random attack on bus No injuries Shlomo Ben-Yosef, Avraham Stern and Shalom Zurabin planned to ambush the Safad-Tiberias bus on April 21, Ben-Yosef executed, "proud to be the first Jew to go to the gallows in Palestine".TOOZ[2]p.40
early September 1937 Unknown Random attack on civilians 11 Retaliation for murder of three Jews.TOOZ[2]p.39
14 Nov 1937 Various "Black Sunday" 10, many wounded "Terror Out of Zion"[2]p.39

Pre 15th May 1948

Although the killings of Palestinians had started in 1882 and a Palestinian Jew was assassinated in 1924, Zionist killings enjoyed total protection from the British the immigration "White Paper" of 1939. David Ben-Gurion spoke of "fighting the White Paper as if there were no war". The Yishuv, having profitably collaborated with the Nazis for many years, now attacked the British, the first mass-attack recorded in Nov 1940.

Date Location Nature Dead/Injured Notes
25 Nov 1940 Haifa Harbour Wartime Sabotage "Over 200" Jews + many British Responsibility concealed until 1957 (and even up to 1970) when the bomb-planter Meir (Munya/Monya) Mardor published a Hebrew book "Secret Mission" about his experiences and admitted it was an official Haganah/Yishuv operation.[9].
6 Nov 1944 Cairo Political assassination Lord Moyne British government minister accused of anti-semitism over the Brand mission (later discovered to have been sabotaged by the Zionists). The killing marks the re-opening of the war-time terrorism campaign against the Allies. By this time, two levels of deniability had been constructed to protect the Haganah/Yishuv from criticism, the Irgun and the Nazi-aligned Stern Gang. The bodies of the Moyne killers were much later returned to Israel and buried with military honours on Mount Herzl.
22 Jul 1946 King David Hotel, Jerusalem Bombing 91 dead 46 injured Moshe Sneh, chief of the Haganah General Headquarters, instructed Menachem Begin, leader of the Irgun, to carry out this attack and the plan was finalized between Amichai Paglin, Chief of Operations of the Irgun, and Itzhak Sadeh, commander of the Palmach. A year later the Irgun angrily claimed to have warned the British produced a pamphlet claiming that Chief Secretary Sir John Shaw had received warnings but that he ordered other officials not to leave while he saved himself. Menachem Begin claimed to have heard this from Israel Galili, Chief of Staff of Haganah, the day after the bombing. Galili claimed to have heard it from Boris Guriel, future head of Israel's intelligence service, but in 1977, Guriel denied being the source of the story. Shmuel Katz, hasbarist and member of the Irgun's high command, while sticking to the "warning was given" story later wrote that the Shaw part of "the story can be dismissed."
18 Apr 1947 ??? Army Red Cross bombing ??? Building.
22 Apr 1947 Cairo-Haifa train 5 British, 3 Arab
21 May 1947 ??? Cafe bombing One Arab killed, 7 injured
6 Jun 1947 London and Washington 20 Letter bombs by Stern Gang One known death Ernie Bevin and other Labour ministers targeted, a bomb sent to Washington addressed to Truman. Sir John Shaw (see above) was appointed High Commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago. The Irgun sent a letter bomb to him there, but it was intercepted and successfully disarmed.[10]
12 Jul 1947 A cafe near Nathanya Kidnap and murder 2 British sergeants At 1 a.m. on July 12 two sergeants, Mervyn Paice and Clifford Martin were kidnapped from a cafe near Nathanya. It is thought they were held in an underground chamber in a diamond factory. Their booby-trapped bodies were found hanged. This incident, coming after the King David Hotel bombing, is said to have been what caused the British to withdraw.

Post 15th May 1948


  • In 1950 a number of false flag attacks were performed by Zionist Jews. Zionist propagandists still maintain that these attacks were performed by anti-Jewish Iraqis who wanted Jews out of their country. The terrible truth, however, is that the grenades that killed and maimed Iraqi Jews and damaged property were thrown by Jews themselves[12] and therefore were false flag attacks. The following false flag attacks are documented in the book "Anti-Semitism: Cui bono" by Dr K R Bolton[12]:
    • April 8, 1950, at 9:15 p.m: a car with three young passengers hurled the grenade at Baghdad's El-Dar El-Bida Café, where Jews were celebrating Passover.
    • March 19, 1950 a bomb went off at the American Cultural Center and Library in Baghdad, causing property damage and injuring a number of people.
    • On May 10, at 3 a.m., a grenade was tossed in the direction of the display window of the Jewish-owned Beit-Lawi Automobile Company, destroying part of the building. No casualties were reported.
    • On June 3, 1950, another grenade was tossed from a speeding car in the El- Batawin area of Baghdad where most rich Jews and middle class Iraqis lived.
    • On June 5, at 2:30 a.m., a bomb exploded next to the Jewish-owned Stanley Shashua building on El-Rashid street, resulting in property damage but no casualties.
    • On January 14, 1951, at 7 p.m., a grenade was thrown at a group of Jews outside the Masouda Shem-Tov Synagogue. The explosive struck a high-voltage cable, electrocuting three Jews, one a young boy, Itzhak Elmacher, and wounding over 30 others.
  • October 1953 - Kibya massacre
  • 1954 - Lavon Affair: firebombing of the Alexandria Post Office, bombing of the U.S. Library of Information in Cairo, failed bombing on the English-owned Rio Cinema[13].



  • December 25, 1980 - Israel explodes four bodies of Palestinians in South Libanon, a cruel act of pointless violence. UNIFIL had issued a press bulletin on December 31st, 1980 which, inter-alia, stated that zionist soldiers had piled the bodies of four Palestinians on each other and detonated an explosive charge on top of them[15]. This UNIFIL statement was based eye-witness testimony of four Dutch UNIFIL soldiers who even today (december 2013) maintain that they saw Israel performing this cruel deed[16], despite all the denials by both Israel and the UN.
  • September 16-18, 1982 - Sabra and Shatila massacre


  • October 4, 1992 - Crash of Israeli cargo aircraft El Al Flight 1862 into an Amsterdam apartment killing 43 people including the crew. Medical ailments from surviving residents following the crash caused some to suggest sarin nerve gas or its chemical precursors were illegally onboard the aircraft.[17]
  • April 11 - April 27, 1996 - Qana massacre



File:Jewish response to killing of palestinian boy Twitter Brh ihlCUAAZXyw.jpg
A sample of the July 2nd, 2014 Twitter messages by Jews who approve of the murdering and burning of 16 year old Palestinian children.
  • January 19, 2010 - 29 sayanims murder Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh in Dubai.
  • May 31, 2010 - Gaza flotilla massacre
  • 2012 - Israel builds settlements on mountains above Palestinian homes on the lower land. Israel lets its sewage run down the mountain into the Palestianian neighborhoods instead of processing it.[18]
  • 2013 - Israel has been poisoning Palestinians who go to their hospitals, mixing it with medicines.[19]
  • July 2nd, 2014 - The 16 year old Palestinian boy Mohammed Abu Khdeir was found murdered and burned in East Jerusalem. This is followed by an explosion of Twitter messages by Jews who approve of this murder.

See also


  1. Jabotinsky on "Zionism is a colonizing adventure" and "therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force. It is important to build, it is important to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot - or else I am through with playing at colonialization." [Quoted in Jabotinsky '"The Iron Law, Selected Writings"' (South Africa), p.26. Detailed version first published in Russian under the title '"O Zheleznoi Stene"' in Rassvyet, 4 November 1923. Published in English in '"Jewish Herald (South Africa)"', 26 November 1937. Cited by Brenner '"The Iron Wall"' Chapter 7 '"Founding Principles of Zionist Revisionism"' also in full at
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 "Terror Out of Zion" J. Bowyer Bell, 1977.
  3. Cited in Morris "Righteous Victims" p.47 In December 1882 a guard at Rosh Pina in the Galilee accidentally shot dead an Arab worker from Safad. In response about two hundred Arabs descended upon the settlement, throwing stones and vandalizing property. Unusually, the inhabitants of a neighboring village, Ja'una, came to Rosh Pina's defense; Ja'una and Rosh Pina shared springs and had a joint interest in denying water to outsiders. The guard was imprisoned for eight months, tried and found innocent, but forced to leave the country for fear of a vendetta; Rosh Pina paid the dead man's family the equivalent of 300 pounds sterling, a relatively large sum.[42. Be'eri, Eliezer (Hebrew) "The Beginning of the Israeli-Arab Conflict, 1882-1991". Haifa: Sifriyat Po'alim/Haifa University Press, 1985. p.43-45]
  4. Palin Report of 1920, para 56. It was while the first half of the procession was passing through the Jaffa Gate that the explosion occurred at a point outside the gate somewhere between Christaki's Pharmacy and the Credit Lyonnais Bank. The exact incident which caused the explosion has not been clearly ascertained - possibly there were more than one. The attempt to fix the responsibility on a Jewish Chemist employed at Christaki's did not satisfy the Court, the evidence being contradictory and unreliable. There is some evidence to show that the attitude of the Jewish spectators was in certain cases provocative, but it appears much more likely that the mine was deliberately fired by some agents provocateur raising the cry of an insult to the banner by a Jew. On the other hand the evidence of Messrs. Russell and Perrott points to the origin of the affair being in an attack by a pilgrim on some person in the crowd whose part was taken by a Jewish soldier. This man was not produced, but it is interesting to note that such a man is described by Mr. Abrahams as being in flight from the mob immediately after the trouble broke out. It is quite evident, however, that in the excited condition to which the pilgrims round the Nadi el Araby Club had been wrought by the speeches of the political orators and the exhibition of Emir Feisal's portrait, the most trivial incident would be sufficient to cause an outbreak.
  5. 5.0 5.1 The First Intifada: Rebellion in Palestine 1936-39
  6. "The Banality of Brutality: British Armed Forces and the Repression of the Arab Revolt in Palestine, 1936-39" ... The largest single act of destruction came on 16 June 1936 in the Arab city of Jaffa when the British blew up between 220 and 240 buildings,47 ostensibly to improve health and sanitation, cutting pathways through Jaffa's old city with 200-300 lbs gelignite charges48 that allowed military access and control. ... Such callous vandalism shocked the British Chief Justice in Palestine, Sir Michael McDonnell, who frankly condemned the action, for which he was dismissed ... the Palestinian press resorted to sarcasm, reporting how the "operation of making the city [Jaffa] more beautiful is carried out through boxes of dynamite".52
  7. The First Intifada: Rebellion in Palestine 1936-39 In the last fortnight of June the army blasted its way into the old city of Jaffa, the epicentre of the rebellion, with a massive series of demolitions. Two wide roads were driven through the 'rabbit warren' of narrow streets and blind-walled houses so typical of middle-eastern cities and so hostile to western notions of order. There was almost no resistance: after some sniping had been silenced by a deluge of gunfire, the population watched the demolitions with evident incomprehension or fatalism, and Jaffa remained quiet for several months. This crushing operation followed a long tussle between the civil and military authorities about the need for firm measures to restore public security.
  8. "The Banality of Brutality: British Armed Forces and the Repression of the Arab Revolt in Palestine, 1936-39", 2009, by Matthew Hughes ... the British made homeless up to 6,000 Palestinians, most of whom were left destitute, having been told by air-dropped leaflet on the morning of 16 June to vacate their homes by 9 p.m. on the same day.49 Some families were left with nothing, not even a change of clothes.
  9. "Deaths of 260 in 1940 ship explosion commemorated" Jewish Weekly 2001.
  10. "By Blood and Fire", Thurston Clarke, 1981. Attempted letter bombing of Sir John Shaw after appointment as High Commissioner of Trinidad and Tobago.
  11. Matt Hale (2002) The truth about 9-11. Page 12.
  12. 12.0 12.1 Dr K R Bolton (2006) ANTI-SEMITISM: CUI BONO?", Renaissance Press, p.17
  13. Matt Hale (2002) The truth about 9-11. Page 15.
  14. Michael Collins Piper's The Final Judgment
  15. See page 1182 of "Tweede kamer der Staten-Generaal, Zitting 1980-1981 Aanhangsel van de Handelingen", downloaded from accessed december 23rd, 2013.
  16. (in Dutch)
  17. The 1992 El Al Bijlmer crash: a cover-up of a chemical inferno?

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