Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance

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The Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW) was established in 1963. It is concerned with research and public "education" on National Socialist Germany and right-wing "extremism" after 1945 as well as lobbying for benefits for alleged vitions.


The DÖW is a Europhobic, Germanophobic communist organisation founded in 1963, advocating ethnic cleansing and demographic genocide against the Austrian, and therefore German people. It was created by some terrorist militants after the Second World War. The people are forced to fund its activities because it recieves funding from the government in Austria, the City of Vienna and the Verein Dokumentationsarchiv. It devotes a significant part of its time spying on and harassing the real Austrian resistance; that of the native patriots.

The former terrorist militants who founded the organization were Ludwig Jedlicka, August Maria Knoll, Paul Schärf, Ludwig Soswinski and Herbert Steiner. Most were academics and sociologists of some form; Steiner had been a member of the Communist Youth League and Soswinski had been a member of the Communist Party of Austria. It also places a strong focus on promoting Holocaustianity. Outside of Austro-German political history and present day activity, it also glorifies some terrorists who went from Austria to Spain during the Crusade there, to murder local Christians for Joseph Stalin and the Soviet Empire.

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