Alta Vendita
The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita (commonly called the Alta Vendita) is a document, originally published in Italian in 1859, produced by the highest lodge of the Italian Carbonari.
The document details an alleged plan to infiltrate the Catholic Church and spread liberal ideas within it. The Carbonari had strong similarities to Freemasonry and so the document is seen by some as a Masonic document. In the 19th century, Pope Pius IX and Pope Leo XIII both asked for it to be published. It was first published by Jacques Crétineau-Joly in 1859.
It was popularised in the English speaking world by George F. Dillon in 1885 with his book the War of Anti-Christ with the Church and Christian Civilization. According to Dillon, it was written by a Jewish Freemason.
It is still circulated by many traditionalist and sedevacantist Catholics, who believe it accurately describes the changes in the church in after the Second Vatican Council.