Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging

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Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging
Three Sevens Flag - AWB.gif

Triskelion flag, the emblem of the AWB

Type Political
Position Right national
Location Ventersdorp, North West Province, South Africa

The Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging, short A.W.B. or AWB (English: Afrikaner Resistance Movement; German: Afrikaaner Widerstandsbewegung), is an Afrikaner/Boer nationalist organization and the resistance movement of the Boerevolk. It was founded in 1973 by seven young Boer men in Heidelberg, which is located in the former Boer nation Transvaal. It was led by co-founder Eugène Terre'Blanche until his death in 2010. The organization and members have been accused of, for example, participation in resistance crimes, especially during the end of apartheid. The AWB website has argued that court cases and other scandals involving Terre'Blanche were fabricated by the anti-white black government (ANC) and the left wing mass media.[1]


South African Flag
Voortekker Movement Celebrating 50 years
Badge of honor for taking part in the Battle of Venterdorp, 1991
Three on 11 March 1994 in Bophuthatswana murdered AWB members
Coen Strydom and son Jan Strydom protest the killings of white people by black Africans, October 2013
Commemoration of the murdered Eugène Terre'Blanche, 2015
Piet Thulani Dlamini, a black AWB member

As the organization currently does not publish texts in English, its current views are somewhat difficult to know for non-Afrikaans speakers. AWB is frequently described as "neo-Nazi" and "White supremacist" but its basic principles have included

"To establish a free, Christian, republican, Afrikaner Boer nation-state, seceded from the Republic of South Africa".[2] One pro-Afrikaner/Boer source state that "The AWB, although still formally active at present day (July 2012), has changed its policy direction and significantly slim down, till to be one of many movements, all small and with few followers, that characterize the 'white Afrikaner' political landscape and the Boer one. From the historical point of view the AWB, as Boer independence movement capable of mobilizing large numbers of people, was ended in 1996/1997."[2]

A History of Our Suffering and Oppression

The Great Trek came as a result of the British oppression. The total failure of government protection against attacks by the Xhosa, and the treatment of placing the Boer on an equal footing with the Hottentots in a land which they (the Boer) considered to be their own. This the Voortrekkers (Pioneers) imbued with a craving for freedom migrated into the unknown.

After much wandering and a number of important events, this idea of freedom was attained with the establishment of the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republic and the Republic of the Orange-Free state. It is in these two Boer Republics that the fundamentals of the Boerevolk (Boer people) are founded.

Since the second occupation of the Cape by the British, conflict arose between British imperialism and the aspirations of the newly awakening nation which would later achieve greater stature as the Boer nation.

The establishment of these two Boer Republics had met head on with the policies of Imperial Britain. According to the flag wavers, the Boer had no right of existence, and resulted in the First War of Independence (Transvaal War). Hereafter gold was discovered on the Witwatersrand, which resulted in a flood of foreign fortune hunters from all corners of the world. These drifters became rich and prosperous. Gold instilled in them the objective of overthrowing the government of the land which had received them and made them rich. Here they formed an alliance with the British government. So called grievances of these foreigners were taken advantage of to promote the case of British imperialism, and the exploitation of these alien grievances also attributed to the Second War of independence (Anglo-Boer War). As that great statesman, President Paul Kruger put it: "It is not the right to vote that you want; it is my land that you want."

As a result of this war the Boer nation were reduced to a totally impoverished nation, and with the further loss of 4, 313 innocent woman and 22, 057 children, as well as 4, 000 burgers forces who died in action, no nation knows the suffering within the concentration camps better than the Boer nation!!

The Peace of Vereeniging was a bitter pill for our forefathers to swallow, but it nevertheless had still not extinguished the struggle for freedom. We were not only compelled to accept the power of Jewish money, but also the British parliamentary system. Lord Miner's prediction that this parliamentary system will still mean the end of the Boers stood on the point of becoming true. Unification did not bring freedom for the Boer nation; it only entailed further burdens and obligations. So became responsible for the Coloreds, the blacks and the Indians of Natal. On top of it all we still had to look after the welfare of the reputed English speaking Boer haters from Natal. Truly: The Union of South Africa entailed only obligations for us and no rights or freedom.

With the outbreak of the First Word War in 1914, the flag wavers in the Union insisted that this country, as an ally of Britain, must declare war on our German brothers. Boer patriots such as generals De la Ray, de Wet and Beyers, opposed this idea, resulting in an armed protest, better known as the Rebellion of 1914. Crushed by the foreign nationals, these heroes of the Rebellion nevertheless kept the flame of freedom burning. If it had not been for them there would most certainly not have existed a Boer nation today.

The impoverishment, brought about by the Second War of independence, was intensified by the Depression of the Thirties. Thus the Afrikaner became a pauper in his own country. The Depression was hardly at an end when our land was again involved as an ally of Britain and Russia in the Second World War against our brothers in Germany. No true Afrikaner for this alliance was to be found, and from the resistance which evolved here from so the Ossewabrandwag (Ox wagon sentinel) and the Stormjaers (Storm troopers) grew. These Boers did not wish to establish a National Socialist regime, but had yearned after their own free Boer republic. Alas, our fathers' ideals never came to fruition.

In 1961 the Republic of South Africa attained its goal. The Republic of South Africa, however great the desire had been for such, no matter how much zeal was expended, and however much trust and loyalty exist today for such a Republic, the ideal freedom of the nation could not, in the long run, be answered. The only positive aspect was the breaking of ties with Britain, and our withdrawal from the British Commonwealth.

At all times we were burdened with the divisive Westminster system which resulted in the Afrikaners being divided into groups and political parties. More specific, the acceptance of the Westminster system of government, which was, and still is, designed to divide a nation into political parties, has totally, nullified the Boer-ideal of 'unity is strength'.

After the assassination of Dr. H. F. Verwoerd, who held the interest of the Afrikaner nation close to his heart and who expanded the policy of separate development, was succeeded by National Party politicians, who began to deviate more and more from the traditional policy of separation between races and concessional politics quickly led to a split in the National Party. Again here was proof of the divisive influence which the Westminster party political system had on our people. Although the older generation, to an extend, could still be found and were followers of the political party system, there appeared on the scene in the seventies a group of young Boer idealists.

The A.W.B. is Born

In 1971, seven worried young Boers began searching for an alternative to the Westminster system. It was perfectly clear to them that if action was not taken, the Afrikaner / Boer would suffer the same fate as other white groups in the rest of Africa who had to pull out, and as dejected and poor whites flee, leaving behind thousands of butchered corpses of their loved ones.

These seven young men realized that there was no conclusive compromise to the possession is nine tenths of the law attitude of black nations, and that concessions inevitably lead to total surrender. So an appeal had to be made to the people to put up a resistance against the conciliation give-away policy of the ruling National Party.

After much investigation, research and planning, these seven young men gathered in a house in 1973 in Heidelberg (Transvaal) and formed the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (A.W.B.) (Afrikaner Resistance Movement). One of those men is presently the main leader of the A.W.B.

A People's Leader Becomes Prominent

Our nation has always been lucky and blessed in that in our hour of crisis there has never been a want for dynamic leadership. Eugene Ney Terre'Blanche also came to prominence at the hour of need.

He had to endure derision and abuse. Especially the financially powerful press with it Afrikaans stooge press had striven to make the leader of the AWB and the Movement to be supporters of the National Socialist-ideology. The original purpose was to convince the people to reject him and the Movement. Attempts were also made to remove him from the community. The enemy had sought for something and eventually succeeded in having him charged criminally and cast into prison. If they had had him prosecuted for his political views and deeds, he would have achieved martyr status, and that had to be avoided at all cost. This conspicuous trick had naturally failed because a Boer who reveals natural and unadulterated leadership is quickly recognized by the people. And so a group of seven grew into a powerful people's movement.

The Resistance Movement Becomes a National Movement

The Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) does not reject, for one moment, its resistance against everything which is foreign and hastily included. The price which a nation must pay for its freedom is perpetual vigilance. For this reason the AWB declared its fight against the African National Congress (ANC) the front organization of the South African Communist Party (SACP). This is a battle to the death. There is no room for compromise with communist murder squads who mutilate and murder innocent woman and children. The AWB rejects any domination by anyone whatsoever, and claims freedom for the Boer people.

Chaos Reigns

At present the ANC/SACP/COSATU and other revolutionary black organizations such as the PAC, are engaged in stirring a revolution of an alarming degree. They are highly dissatisfied with the benefits which the whites made available to them. They want to destroy by force all that the whites have built up without them having to work for it themselves. Blacks are appointed to posts in the place of Boers, who must give way to black supremacism (black favoring). Even that which has been taken in the name of rectification for the past, cannot be maintained, and a total collapse is busy taking place throughout the land.

Whites are threatened with land occupation if they do not sell their property, crime in the country is the highest ever and the value of the Rand falls every time a black politician opens his mouth.

South Africa now finds itself in a genocidal war. The Boer Nation can no longer sit watch how his land burn and do nothing.

The Road Forward

Throughout our nation's existence there runs a golden thread of protest and opposition against domination, but also for the realization and acquisition of freedom in a sovereign independent Boer state. This golden thread has once again been taken up by the AWB where previous generations had abandoned it. This golden thread carries us now into the future and thereby gives meaning to the fight. Today, despite persistent and calculated attacks from leftist political press and broadcasting, support grows for the AWB. Seven persons have multiplied into thousands. The AWB which is fearless, Christian and unashamedly Nationalistic, has become the new Right - antithesis to the ANC. The AWB is a bulwark against Marxism and Communism. The AWB conveys uninhibited, the sight of the nation's deepest emotions its purest thoughts & greatest determination to achieve its highest ideals: A modern Christian Afrikaner Boer nation state in Africa.

Bophuthatswana coup d'état of 1994

Bophuthatswana (Repabolika ya Bophuthatswana) was a homeland in the Republic of South Africa. It was de facto independent from 1977 to 1994, the capital was Mmabatho. In 1988, the South African government reinstated chieft Kgosi Lucas Manyane Mangope (1923–2018) as head of state after a coup attempt. At the Kempton Park negotiations in 1993, Mangope had made it clear that Bophuthatswana would remain independent of the new and integrated South Africa and that he would not allow the upcoming election in 1994 to take place in "his country". He also lamented the fact that capitalism had failed to make itself more appealing in Africa and failed to defend itself against the attacks of Marxism.

Early in 1994, Mangope was to be removed by the new Pretoria government, which wanted to install an interim government in the homeland. The homeland's military mutinied, Mangope called on the night of March 9-10, 1994 on outside help, and c. 1,500 AWB members, armed only with revolvers and pistols as well as a few rifles, headed the call.

It must be said, that Terre’Blanche had given Mangope his word, to be there in the morning and called his his Wencommands (not to be confused with the black-uniformed and always masked AWB elite unit "Ystergarde" or Iron Guard) over "Radio Pretoria" (Donkerhoek) together. In a conversation with General a. D. Constand Viljoen of the "African People's Front" (Afrikaner Volksfront), which was itself in the process of launching an intervention force of 4,000 men under the command of retired Colonel Jan Breytenbach – in contrast to the AWB members almost without exception all experienced former soldiers of the South African Army – Terre'Blanche was warned not to intervene unprepared, since in the meantime it was to be feared that the majority of the agitated police and significant parts of the bop military would mutiny, which then proved true.

Under the leadership of Eugene Terre’Blanche, the freedom fighters of the AWB were attackeds in the Mafikeng town of Bophuthatswana, 42 enemys, members of the homeland's military (other sorces say 50), died in the battle, 300 were wounded. Three AWB members were later murdered by members of the Bophuthatswana Defence Force. The powerful and well-equipped South African Defense Force (SADF) drove out the Afrikaner, who had come to support Mr. Mangope and thus sealed a criminal coup against him.

Pik Botha, South Africa’s Foreign Minister at the time, and member of the Transitional Executive Council Mac Maharaj removed Mangope from office on 13 March 1994. Mangope founded in 1997 the anti-communist United Christian Democratic Party.

Martyrs of Bophuthatswana

Three AWB Wenkommando officers fell in support of President Lucas Mangope against a communist coup:

  • AWB-General Nicolaas Cornelius Fourie
  • AWB-ColonelAlwyn Wolfaardt
  • AWB-Lieutenant (Veldkornet) Jacobus Stephanus Uys

A former Bophuthatswana policeman, Ontlametse Bernstein Menyatsoe, member of the SAPF, applied for amnesty from the Truth and Reconciliation Committee in 1998 for his role in the killing of the three AWB members. In 2010, this murderer claimed, he was living in fear for his life after finding a threatening note in his room.[3]

See also

Further reading

  • Arthur Kemp: Victory or Violence – The Story of the AWB of South Africa, Ostara Publications, Third Edition, 2012

External links
