Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration and the Future of White Majorities

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Author(s) Erik Kaufmann
Language English
Publisher Harry N. Abrams
Publication year 2018
Pages 624
ISBN 978-1-46831-697-1

Whiteshift: Populism, Immigration and the Future of White Majorities is a 2018 book by Eric Kaufmann, discussing the changing White demographics.

Kaufmann, who himself has a Jewish father and a mixed Costa Rican/Chinese mother, "distinguishes four possibilities, which he calls fight, repress, flee, and join [...] “Join” refers to a Brazilian-style acceptance of admixture whereby whites would continue to exist as a social category even as most become mixed to some extent. “Join” is Kaufmann’s own preference: firstly, to convince whites that resistance is futile (hence the inevitability tropes) and, secondly, to assure them their mixed-race future won’t really be so bad."[1]

See also

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