Kerry Bolton

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Kerry Bolton (born 1956) "holds doctorates in Historical Theology and Theology; Ph.D. (Hist. Th.), Th.D. as well as in other areas. He is a contributing writer for The Foreign Policy Journal, and a Fellow of the Academy of Social and Political Research in Greece. His papers and articles have been published by both scholarly and popular media, including the International Journal of Social Economics; Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies; Geopolitika; World Affairs; India Quarterly;and The Initiate: Journal of Traditional Studies. His work has been translated into Russian, Vietnamese, Italian, Czech, Latvian, Farsi and French."[1]


Bolton was educated at Hutt Valley Technical College,in Lower Hutt. Moreover, he obtained in 2006 a doctorate in Historical Theology and in 2007 another one in Theology. Because of his ideas,nonetheless, he is at odds with the academic establishment of New Zealand and lives today in Paraparaumu. He is a co-founder of the Academy of Social and Political Research. Bolton is the author of numerous articles and essays (some ones translated into French, Italian, and Russian). His major work so far is the book Thinkers of the Right challenging materialism(two editions).


Bolton has been involved with several nationalist groups over the course of thirty years, although not the number nor the influence ascribed to him by self-appointed experts such as Scott Hamilton, Roel Van Leeuwen and sundry anarchists. Bolton's involvement with the National Front, despite the frequent smears in this connection, lasted no longer than during 2004 after which he resigned in opposition to persistent neo-National Socialist influences and the failure of the NF to adopt a more comprehensive socio-economic agenda than merely what he sees as an Americanised Darwinist racism. He was very briefly associated with a so-called 'New Right' group compromised of disaffected ex-NF members in Wellington in 2005 again resigning over disagreement on the matter of racism, and an element of Islamophobia, and the failure of the group to adopt any real 'new right' doctrine. Bolton has eschewed participation in any other such groups, despite recent claims by anarchist bloggers that he is a "frequent attendee of NF functions" (sic). He sees the centrist New Zealand First Party as the nearest New Zealand is likely to get in the foreseeable in terms of a conservative Right party, although Bolton has maintained his long-held committment to social credit type economics, without which he considers any change impossible.


Bolton was involved up to approximately thirteen years ago with sundry pagan groups and publications, and while maintaining an interest in traditional spiritualities as the basis of opposition to global secular humanism, believes that the focus of a Western revival must be based around the pre-Vatican II Church. Bolton began to question a previous activism with anti-Christian, Nietzschean doctrines after observing what seemed to be an increase in anti-Catholicism and anti-Church lampooning throughout the news and entertainment media and elsewhere. He also considers Jesus' core message to epitomise the repudiation of materialism, also portrayed in the driving of the money-changers from the Temple.

A study of anti-Church currents, partly drawing on his own knowledge and archives on the occult assisted in his completion of a PhD thesis in Historical Theology in 2006 on occult and particularly Masonic influences subverting the West, the thesis being entitled "From Knights Templar to New World Order". The MS was described in 2009 by Dr Richard Spence of Idaho University, who teaches specifically on the subjects considered by the thesis and is considered a world authority as, "an excellent overview of the conspiratorial view of history and the role of the occult therein... amply and well-cited references... a worthwhile tool in deed."'

Bolton considers traditional Catholic social doctrine to be in accord with his views on banking reform and opposition to usury, and has written a number of pamphlets on the subject, the most comprehensive being The Faith of Europe.

Philosophical Influences

Bolton describes himself as a revolutionary conservative, insofar as he defines this as conservativism being a "return to origins" or a literal "revolution". The foundations of his beliefs are monarchy, family, faith, a repudiation of materialism while recongising the material needs of people as a necessity without which culture and higher pursuits cannot proceed. The latter he considers can only be achieved by a new financial system that repudiates usury, and a corporatist - organic - social system. His primary ideological influences are Spengler and Yockey, with an interest in Evola, and influences drawn from literary figures such as Rex Fairburn, the New Zealand poet, social crediter and cultural critic; and W B Yeats.


Bolton has edited and published several periodicals over several decades, including Western Destiny and Restoration, and is now involved with Ab Aeterno, the scholarly review of the Academy of Social and Political Research. He remains proprietor of Renaissance Press and Spectrum Press, publishing both reprints of archival material and new research. Recent publications include: Russia and China : An Approaching Conflict?, The Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, Washington DC, Vol. 34, No. 2, Summer 2009; and Multiculturalism as a Process of Globalisation, Ab Aeterno, Issue no. 1, November 2009. Recent essays have also been published on the websites of Dr Peter Chojnowsky and Dr Alfred Vierling; and on the Center for Conservative Studies, Sociology Department, Moscow State University. He continues to be widely published by peer reviewed and other academic journals, and has also been widely published or linked by sundry other media including (Tibetan exiles), Novosti (foreign service), Radio Free Asia (Vietnamese service), etc.

Disputes with Academe

In August 2008 Bolton discovered an online thesis purporting to be a study on extreme Right groups in New Zealand and their link with occultism. The thesis by Roel Van Leeuwen was awarded an MA with 1st Class Honours by Waikato University, Hamilton. Bolton found that the thesis is replete with fraudulent references, faked references, lies and smears. One example Bolton often cites as typical of the thesis is the claim by Van Leeuwen that "brown skinned men" (i.e. Maori) were not permitted into the Mormon priesthood in New Zealand until after 1978, for which Van Leeuwen fraudulently referenced The Encyclopedia of Mormonism which as Bolton points out states no such thing. What Bolton claims is particularly appalling is that it is Hamilton which is the historic centre of Mormonism, and any citizen of Hamilton, let alone religious studies tutors and students, should know that New Zealand Mormonism has been predominanly Maori since colonial times. The thesis was co-supervised by Dov Bing, a lecturer in political science at Waikato, and a leading Zionist, and Marg Coldham Fussell, lecturer in religious studies. One of the two external examiners is Dr Jim Veitch of Victoria University, Wellington, a liberal theologian who accepts the Talmudic version of Jesus' birth.

Bolton and a co-complainant, Mr Graeme Wilson, who had been acknowledged by Van Leeuwen as a primary source, instigated an internal enquiry. The Vice Chancellor did not uphold the complaints, and the enquiry reports have been kept secret, however according to reports in the Waikato Times, it soon emerged, that the enquiry had not considered the several hundred pages of documentation Bolton and Wilson claim proving the thesis to be fraudulent, and that the enquiry had been scuttled by a threat from the Tertiary Education Union, after Jim Veitch, Bing, Fussell, Van Leeuwen and religious studies department head Douglas Pratt of Waikato appealed to the TEU for assistance. The Vice Chancellor, Roy Crawford, after months of supposed enquiry, concluded with a one page letter stating that the complaints had been rejected on the basis that the thesis had been externally examined by "two well qualified academics". He however admitted to the Waikato Times that the thesis had not been looked at by the enquiry, despite his own terms of reference for the enquiry team.

Bolton was threatened with a $300,000 libel suit by Dov Bing unless he repudiated his own complaint publicly, which he declined to do. Bolton also found that Bing had lied in his threats of defamation action in regard to alleged statements he claimed to have been made to him by the University lawyer and Assistent to the Vice Chancellor. However, Bolton's complaint against Bing for misconduct was completely ignored. Bing was one of those who had instigated action against leading defence lecturerJoel Hayward who had written an MA thesis on revisionist literaure, the subsequent campaign against Hayward driving him to a nervous breakdown and out of New Zealand. Honorary Israeli consul David Zwartz demanded that Waikato University apologise to Bing for his being subjected to such stress. Bolton points out that the charters of all New Zealand Universities, that of the Education Act and the charter of the Tertiary Education Union declare the need for public scrutiny to ensure excellence of scholarship and ethics. He states that nothing further has been heard of Bing's threatened law suit. Bolton's and Wilson's separate complaints are now with the Ombudsman's Office..

Countering Smears

A prime example of the type of smears undertaken aginst Bolton and others in New Zealand broadly on the "Right", or at least offending the Left or liberalism in some manner, is that of Marxist blogger Scott Hamilton, who was invited on Radio New Zealand's Ideas program on 8 June 2009 as a supposed authority on Holocaust denialLink title. The matter was taken up by the Broadcasting Standards Authority after a complaint form Bolton.

Among the allegations made by Dr Hamilton was that Bolton is the "inventor of the Celtic New Zealand theory" on pre-Maori settlement, infiltrating the anti-war movement, and being a close associate of the Adelaide Institute. This is part of an ongoing campaign by Hamilton especially against those who propose alternative theories on New Zealand pre-history, his targets for smear having also included Martin Doutre, author of Ancient Celtic New Zealand; Jon Eisen, anti-Zionist Jewish editor of Uncensored magazine; Myckeljon Winckel, editor of Franklin E-Local community magazine; and Noel Hilliam, a former museum curator. In the course of attempting to justify his claims against Bolton to the Broadcasting Standards Authority, Hamilton further claimed that Bolton had presented papers to conferences of the Adelaide Institute, although Bolton counters that he has not been to Australia for over twenty years. Hamilton states that his contention that Bolton is the "inventor of the Celtic New Zealand theory" is based on Bolton having been the first to write books on the subject, although two of the three books Hamilton sites to the BSA were written well after Doutre's book on the subject, and the third, Bolton counters, does not mention Celts, but is a synopsis of the theories of Thor Heyerdahl et al.

Bolton claims that Dr Scott Hamilton is just another example of the low quality of New Zealand academia, especially in the social sciences.

In a statement dated 21 December 2009 the Broadcasting Standards Authority upheld Bolton's complaint on all major points, stating that Radio New Zealand neglected its responsibility to check the credibility of statements in the pre-recorded program.

The Broadcasting Standards Authority decision can be found in full at the BSA's site: [2]

Another complaint by Bolton with the Press Council against the Christchurch Press, concerning a three page feature by John McCrone entitled A Right Muddle (The Press, Dec. 5, 2009, C1, C2, C3).focusing on New Zealand Right-wing groups such as the National Front, and individuals such as Bolton, Anton Foljambe, and Kyle Chapman, was upheld on 26 March 2010, the Press Council ruling that the article is 'inaccurate and biased.' [3]


Other affiliations apart from the Academy of Social and Political Research, include:

Further reading

External links






  1. Kerry Bolton
  2. [1]
  3. []