Libertarian Party (United States)
The Libertarian Party is a (right-wing) libertarian United States political party founded in 1971.
It is one of the largest continuing Third parties. It is currently the third-largest political party in the United States by voter registration.
Favored policies include typically classical liberal positions such as minimally regulated laissez-faire markets, minimally regulated migration, minimally regulated free trade, non-interventionism in foreign policy, and strong civil liberties. The party supports the legalization of all "victimless" crimes, including drugs, pornography, prostitution, polygamy, gambling, removal of restrictions on homosexuality, opposes any kind of censorship and supports freedom of speech, and supports the right to keep and bear arms while opposing Federal capital punishment.
Libertarian variants such as Randian Objectivism, anarcho-capitalism, and paleolibertarianism have often had uneasy or hostile relationships with the Libertarian Party.