George Dietz

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George P. Dietz (27 February 1928 – 23 April 2007)[1] of Reedy and Spencer, West Virginia was a realtor and publisher of White Power Report and Liberty Bell. During the 1980s the ADL accused him of running "the largest anti-Semitic propaganda mill in the United States."[2] His Liberty Bell Press catalog held over 300 titles of books and pamphlets in English, German, Spanish, and French.


Dietz, originally Georg, was born in Kassel, German Reich in 1928 and was a member of the Hitler Youth, his father was a member of the Sturmabteilung. He came to the United States in 1957 and became a U.S. citizen in 1962. Dietz was married; they had two children.

Dietz was the first White nationalist to appear on the emerging Internet[3] by establishing an electronic bulletin board system (BBS) called the Liberty Bell Network in 1983. Here he published articles which appeared in Liberty Bell.[4] He later helped Louis Beam establish his BBS Aryan Liberty Network of the Aryan Nations and later he helped Tom Metzger to establish White Aryan Resistance bulletin.

See also

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