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Haiti's border with the Dominican Republic in 2002 shows deforestation on the Haitian side. Haitians use wood and charcoal as their primary fuel source.

Environmentalism may refer to the advocacy of the preservation, restoration, or improvement of the natural environment. This article discusses this advocacy.


Past and predicted future population numbers 1950-2100 based on the United Nation’s "World Population Prospects: 2015 Revision".

A different meaning of the term is in debates between different sides arguing for the relative importance of genetic ("hereditary") and non-genetic ("environmental") factors. See the articles on race and related articles regarding examples of such debates.

"Ecofascism" is a term for claimed combinations of environmentalism and fascism (broad sense). The term is often used by non-fascists, in order to apply a guilt by association between something disliked and fascism (viewed negatively). The term may be applied, often dubiously, to varying views, including to radical political correct environmentalist views or to views of mass immigration critics worried about the environmental consequences of mass immigration.

"Environmental racism" is a somewhat different term for alleged racism regarding environmental problems, in particular regarding to what degree some groups are affected by certain environmental problems, but this seems to often simply reflect that poorer groups have less resources and have difficulty avoiding various problems in general, rather than deliberate racism.

Regardless, there are recent associated high-profile demands for (anti-White) "reparations" and increased "affirmative action".[1]

See also

External links

Mass immigration and environmentalism
