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The declining values of courage and virility for the sake of feminist, xenophile, homophile, and humanitarian values.

The dominant Western ideology fosters this devirilisation of Europeans, though it doesn’t touch the alien colonisers. Homophilia, like the feminist fashion of false liberation, the ideological rejection of large families for the sake of the unstable nuclear couple, the declining birth rate, the preference of photographers for the African and the Arab, the constant justification of miscegenation, the denigration of warrior values, hatred for every powerful, forceful form of aesthetics, as well as the prevailing lack of courage — are some of the present characteristics of this devirilisation.

Confronted by Islam’s conquering virility, the European feels morally disarmed and confused. The prevailing conception of the world — whether it comes from the legislature, public education, the Church, or the media — is deployed to stigmatise all notion of virility, which is associated with ‘fascist brutality’. Devirilisation has become a sign of civilisation, of refined mores, the paradoxical discourse of a society, half of which is sinking into violence and primitivism.

Devirilisation is linked to narcissistic individualism and the loss of communal identity, which paralyses all reaction to the assaults of immigrant colonisers and the party of collaboration. This also explains the feeble repression of immigrant delinquency, the absence of European ethnic solidarity, and the pathological ‘fears’ haunting Europeans.

In no case ought the notion of ‘virility’ be confused with ‘machismo’ or with the stupid demand for some sort of ‘masculine social privilege’. There are women whose quotidian behaviour is more ‘virile’ than many men. The virility of a people is a condition for its maintenance in history.

(see ethnomasochism)