Armanen Futharkh

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The Armanen Futharkh

The Armanen Futharkh is a system ofrunes or Futhark/Futhorc.


It was seen by Guido von List during a vison and recorded in his book The Secret of the Runes. In reality, List was propagating the ancient Germanic religion of the Armanen Sages, who wrote the 'Song of the High One' from the Havamal and it's Rune Row of 18 signs.

The Armanen Futhorkh was the ancient Futhorkh of the Priests of Wotan. The Armanen Futhorkh experienced a great revival during the last century. Spearheaded by German Rune Sages, such as von List, Kummer and Gorsleben (Edda Society), the ancient Futhorkh would prove itself as the vital component of the German awakening that took place in the early 20th century.

See also