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Map of USA WI.svg

Wisconsin is a state of the United States of America. The capital city is Madison with a population of 269,840 as of the 2020 census, the largest city by far is Milwaukee. Wisconsin has one of the largest German-American populations in the USA. Well-known personalities in Wisconsin include the actors Orson Welles, Spencer Tracy and Willem Dafoe as well as the entrepreneur King Camp Gilette, the inventor of the bladed razor.



In 1820, Wisconsin’s population figures stood at a mere 1,444, but like in many areas of the US in the early 19th century, an explosion in numbers was just over the horizon. Just ten years later, a rise of over 150% took those figures to 3,635. However, the biggest population spike came between the years of 1840 and 1850 when an incredible increase of nearly 154% took the population of Wisconsin from 305,391 to 775,881. Although the increases began to slow down, the overall picture was one of growth and by the start of the 20th century, numbers were recorded at 2,069,042. That pattern continued through the 20th century and as census by census growth started to settle down, the numbers grew at a steady pace. As a result, the population of Wisconsin in 2016 was starting to climb toward the next milestone of 6 million (5,931,367 in 2024).

Races (2024)

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