User talk:Identitarian

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Problematic editing

You are likely part of the same group who have rather successfully in the past attempted to destroy Metapedia by filling it with ridiculous, unreliable, and dangerous material, as well as as well as material that can be interpreted as pro-violence and supportive of crime. Your latest edits, including with numerous strange categories, redirects, and empty articles and sections, are similar to junk material added in the past by this group. You have also added numerous weird empty junk articles about different antifa groups, which only serves to promote them. In your strange and weird junk article Hate Facts, your for example cite leftist "research" on "authoritarianism", based on the Cultural Marxist pseudoscientific idea of an "authoritarian personality". Upplysning (talk) 15:01, 29 April 2020 (UTC)

I have never promoted anything “pro-violent” but it seems you have your own way of doing things here. Please delete my account here as well as all my “junk articles.” I can see you already have done this with what I was just working on, so please just go ahead and do it with everything else. (User talk:Identitarian) 29 April 2020

Upplysning has departed Metapedia under a cloud, having bullied and blocked countless others and therefore done considerable damage to what should have been a joint effort of co-operation. I hope you will consider returning and contributing as before. Matt58 (talk) 13:22, 2 June 2021 (UTC)

On your User Main Page everything below "You can click the links below, to get an overview of Identitarian's work here at Metapedia" is dead and links to nothing. Might I suggest you remove these? Matt58 (talk) 08:22, 1 August 2022 (UTC)