The Consequences of Equality

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The Consequences of Equality
Author(s) Matthew S. Battaglioli (Author), Douglas E. French (Foreword)
Language English
Publisher Arktos
Publication year 2016
Pages 106
ISBN 1910524883

The Consequences of Equality is a 2016 book by Matthew S. Battaglioli, published by Arktos.

Publisher description

"The Consequences of Equality is a critical analysis of egalitarianism. Economics, political theory, ethical theory, and sociology are all used to tackle some of the most controversial questions of the day: “What is the nature of equality?” “Are people truly equal, and in what ways?” “What would it mean if they are not?” and, most importantly, “What occurs when a society fails to accept the inevitability of inequality?” —Dr. Richard Lynn"[1]


Forward Vii

Chapter 1: The Authoritarian Nature of Equality 1

Chapter 2: The Economic Consequences of Equality 7

Chapter 3: The Political Consequences of Equality 35

Chapter 4: The Ethical Consequences of Equality 57

Chapter 5: The Cultural Consequences of Equality 65

In Conclusion 83

References 87


External Links