Revolutionary Action Movement

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The Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM) was a U.S.-based revolutionary Communist Black nationalist organization in operation from 1962 to 1969. Malcolm X was a member and the group influenced various Black Panther Party founders and members.

The organization was a COINTELPRO target, which may make various claims problematic.

RAM "believed that violence was the only way fundamentally to alter the structure of American society".[1]

Many members were charged with various alleged large-scale crimes. Many charges were dropped, but some were convicted, including of claimed conspiracy to assassinate Roy Wilkins of the NAACP and Whitney Young of the National Urban League, both Blacks. The testimony of informers was the primary evidence used. Those accused denied the allegations and claimed that local police and FBI agents had instituted a frame-up to discredit them.[1]

Leftist Wikipedia avoid mentioning many of the negative views on RAM and describes it as a " black liberation" organization.

See also


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