Völkisch movement

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The völkisch movement (sometimes voelkisch movement in English) is a German ideology/movement that had great influence during the 19th and first half of the 20th century.

German völkisch movement

The term völkisch derives from the German term "Volk", somewhat similar to English "folk" and "people" (Volksgemeinschaft). "Völkisch", as used by the völkisch movement, has been described as untranslatable, with no direct English equivalent. It may refer to combination of ethnicity (culture), race (genetics, racial hygiene), and nation (politics). Sometimes there were also mystical elements.

The völkisch movement had its origins in German Romantic nationalism. It included interest in, for example, German culture, German history, and German folklore.

German paganism/heathenry, sometimes viewed as a more German religion, was also an interest, sometimes developing into neopaganism and mysticism/occultism.

The völkisch movement was nationalist and influenced National Socialism.

"Neo-völkisch movements"

Some recent movements have been described as "neo-völkisch movements", claimed to have similarities with the German völkisch movement.

Politically correct sources, such as the leftist Wikipedia, only list "White" organizations as "neo-völkisch", notably religious and/or occult ones. "Satanist" organizations are given a prominent place, despite being nonexistent in the völkisch movement.

Organizations influenced by, for example, Jewish culture, Jewish folklore, Jewish Kabbalah and/or Jewish nationalism are not listed as "neo-völkisch" by Wikipedia. Organizations interested in European folklore/folk music and neofolk music bands are also not listed as "neo-völkisch". As such, Wikipedia seems to use it as a label only on disliked organizations as a form of guilt by association label, similar to the "neo-fascism" and "neo-Nazism" labels

See also