National Party of Europe
The National Party of Europe (NPE) was a pan-European nationalist organization formally established in 1962 at the Conference of Venice. Similar earlier organizations included the European Social Movement and the New European Order. It is stated to have become inactive in the late 1960s.
The European Declaration at Venice was released on 1 March 1962 and contained the following ten aims:
- The creation of Europe a Nation through a common European government.
- The creation of an elected European parliament.
- The continuation of national parliaments with their authority limited to social and cultural matters.
- Economics to be driven by the wage-price mechanism to ensure fair wages and economic growth.
- The creation of an economic alternative to capitalism and communism.
- More worker control and less bureaucracy in nationalized industries.
- The withdrawal of American and Soviet forces from Europe.
- An end to the role of the United Nations with the US, USSR and Europe acting as three equals.
- Decolonization with a move to set up single-ethnic governments in former colonies.
- Europe to be defined as mainland territory outside of the USSR, the United Kingdom, overseas territories and around one-third of Africa.
The organization European Action continues to support for the aims of the NPE through its newspaper of the same name, edited by Robert Edwards, although it stated to mostly be a British movement.