National Martyrs Day

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National Martyrs Day is the recognition of White Nationalists, both in the United States, and Europe, for the sacrifices of individuals who have given their Lives or Freedom on behalf of their folk-community, or patriotic world-view.


This celebration is an annual event, on December 8th.

The murder of Robert Jay Mathews by 'federal forces' on Whidbey Island, Washington, on December 8, 1984, after a 36 hour stand-off, led to the yearly vigil on that same Island, to honour the memory of this slain revolutionary white nationalist Leader.

Up until very recently, those who visited the place of his death at Smugglers Cove, a small area on the West side of the Island, ranged from a few dozen, to one-hundred participants; at the same time, around the nation, various associations and groups would celebrate by learning about all the aspects of this man's life, and what he and his Silent Brothers attempted to create in the upper-northwest: a Territorial Imperative which would house and extend a fledgling Ethno-State.

There are many added individuals, most which represent various patriotic or nativist groups around the United States, Europe is also included, as they are part of a larger extended family, or world-Nation. Over the years, this has included anyone who proved, either by actions or belief, that the life of their racial ethny was paramount, and thereby drawing the abuse or bodily injury, even death, for these beliefs. This would include, but is not limited too, imprisonment, street activism, or political prisoner status such as David Lane, Ian Stuart,Yorie Kahl and Bruce Pierce.

List Of Martyrs (partial)

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