Is it Unscriptural to Criticize the Jews?
Is it Unscriptural to Criticize the Jews? was a religious and political tract issued by Rev. Gerald L.K. Smith and his Christian Nationalist Crusade in answer to Genesis 12:3, "I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee."
Rev. Smith was moved to published the tract after he became aware, "that there are groups of sincere Christians in America who have been taught to believe to the point of superstition that no matter what wrong thing a Jew does, he must not be criticized, or the critic will be cursed. I could scarcely believe my ears and my eyes when I heard from the lips of certain church members and read in the literature of certain denominations comment supporting this superstition. I was led therefore to prepare a special statement dealing with this subject."[1]
Smith went on to say Zionist Jews feed and encouraged these superstitions among the Christians.
This is a source text. Spelling and smaller errors in the content can be corrected. The source is given in the "Source" part.
Abraham was called of God and with Abraham God made a covenant. The purpose of this covenant was to create a special family with a special seed line to be known as Israel. Out of this seed line came a special nation and a special family of mankind. They were protected against the adulteration of their blood line and they were instructed under the school master of God's law summarized by the ten commandments.
God assured Abraham that he and his seed would be protected and gave him this assurance with the following words found in Genesis 12:3, "1 will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed."
God kept that covenant and is still keeping that covenant.
How did God propose to bless the whole earth through the seed of Abraham? The answer is clear and simple: Through the coming of Jesus Christ.
The seed of Abraham by way of the Virgin Mary when matched with the personality of God gave us His Virgin born Son Jesus, the Christ.
Thus, God kept His covenant with Abraham by way of the Bethlehem manger, Golgotha's Cross, the open tomb and the coming of the Holy Spirit.
Warning! The forces of the anti-Christ and the apostates who not only crucified our Lord and denied His deity, but still perpetuate their anti-Christ teachings, would like to convince the world that the seed line of Abraham and the covenant God made with him is being fulfilled by way of the enemies of Christ and the crucifiers of Christ rather than by way of the believers in Christ and those who have accepted Him as Lord and Saviour.
Always remember the Scriptural admonition that "Christ is the end of the law," and we who have accepted Him as our Lord and Saviour are of the true circumcision, as indicated in the Scripture Colossians 2:11, "Ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision, of Christ."
This means without doubt that we in Christ are the heirs to God's covenant with Abraham when He said: I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee." That promise is for the believing Christian who has accepted Christ as his Saviour.
Warning! Apostate Jews and sometimes even blind and misinformed Christian leaders put out the propaganda that if a believing Christian criticizes an unbelieving Jew that he will be cursed. Nothing could be further from the truth. The warning, on the other hand, should go to the enemies of Christ who curse the believing Christian. Upon him is the curse of God.
We Christians are of the seed of Abraham by way of the 'circumcision of Christ,' which is indeed not a physical circumcision, but a circumcision of the spirit.
Those who curse us will be cursed. Those who bless us will be blessed - that is, as long as we remain true and faithful to our Blessed Lord and Saviour.
What bigger lie could Satan tell than to represent the crucifiers of Christ and the organized enemies of Christ as "God's chosen people."
Yes, God has a chosen people, but they are the ones who choose Him. God is fulfilling His covenant with Abraham by way of the lovers of Christ, and not by way of the enemies of Christ. We must not be spineless cowards in the presence of those who curse our Lord. We must stand up to His enemies, glorify His name, and resist their Christ-hating techniques. Otherwise, we will forfeit the blessings which He has promised both here and hereafter.
Note: Theological mind-washers, operating on the side of the enemies of Christ, have actually stimulated a superstition that it is dangerous to criticize a Jew even though he curses the name of Christ and denies His deity and brands our Lord as the illegitimate son of a lewd woman. Let it be noted that the most successful evangelical preacher in history (Martin Luther) was completely alert to the Jewish question and wrote the strongest book which was ever written on the subject entitled "The Jews and Their Lies" by Martin Luther. His stand against the organized anti-Christ forces was built largely around his understanding of the Jewish question.
Extra copies of this tract are available free upon request. Address all orders to the Christian Nationalist Crusade, P. 0. Box 27895, Los Angeles 27, California. A small donation to cover the cost of mailing and handling will be appreciated.
The book entitled "The Jews and Their Lies" by Martin Luther may be had at 50c per copy.