Hate site

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Hate site, in popular usage, is a newspeak phrase used to describe internet websites containing material regarded as heretical by Jewish supremacists and allegedly promoting "hate speech", particularly those in the United States, but also internationally. Typically only pro-white websites are given this label. Politically correct organizations typically do not even apply the term to websites supporting non-white terrorist organizations.

For instance the phrase is commonly trotted out by the ADL of B'nai B'rith and the Southern Poverty Law Center. It demands that personal inquiry and reasoning be sacrificed, because a Jewish big-brother, the supreme arbiter of taste and opinion, has already predetermined for everybody what is good and bad. Some companies have programs installed so that alleged "hate sites" cannot be accessed from work. Usually a website is described by such forces as a "hate site" if it does not contain mandatory Europhobia. Popular websites such as YouTube sometimes delete material as heretical "hate think". The most widely known hate site is the website of the SPLC.

See also

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