Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism

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The Centre for Equal Opportunities and Opposition to Racism (CEOOR), also referred to as Centre for Equal Opportunities and Fight against Racism (CEOFR) was founded in 1993 by an Act of the Belgian Chamber of People's Representatives.

The Centre has been criticized by, among others, Matthias Storme. Storme was earlier successful in fighting a case before the Belgian Supreme Court, where he showed that some articles of the Belgian anti-discrimination law were in violation with the constitutionally protected right of freedom of speech[1]. Another publisher at the The Brussels Journal, Paul Beliën, withdrew a text upon the Centre's officially filed complaint[2][3].


  1. Discrimineren is een mensenrecht ("To Discriminate is a Human Right"), Katholieke Nieuwsblad, 21 January 2005
  2. (French) Le racisme meurtrier du Vlaams Belang ("Racism murderer of Vlaams Belang") Citation: "Paul Beliën, idéologue du parti, assimilait sur son site Internet les personnes d’origine arabe « à des fauves assoiffés de sang, qui ont appris lors de leur fête annuelle à égorger le mouton ». Et appelait les Flamands à se débarrasser d’eux. Le titre de son pamphlet xénophobe ? « Donnez-nous des armes. »." ("Paul Beliën, [Vlaams Belang] party ideologist, on his web site assimilated the persons of Arab origin 'with bloodthirsty tawny-coloureds, who have learned from their yearly feast to cut the sheep's throat'. And called upon the Flemish to get rid of them. The title of his xenophobe pamphlet? ‘Give us weapons’.") journal (in France) l'Humanité, 19 May 2006, retrieved on 10 February 2010
  3. Critical Reflections on the Participative Nature of Blogs pages 15-16, Bart Cammaerts (London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Media and Communications), American University of Paris March 2008, retrieved 19 February 2010

See also