Anti-Comintern Pact

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The Anti-Comintern Pact was an agreement initially concluded between the Japanese Empire and Germany at Berlin on 25 November 1936. Italy joined the Pact a year later, adding her signature at Rome on 6 November 1937. Hungary also joined on 26 February 1939.[1]

It recognised that the objects of the Communist International (the Komintern) were the disintegration of, and the commission of violence against, existing States by the exercise of all means at its command. It stated that the toleration of interference by the Communist International in the internal affairs of nations not only endangered their internal peace and social welfare, but threatened the general peace of the world.

"Desiring to co-operate for defence against communist disintegration" the parties agreed:

  • Article 1: The High Contracting States agree that they will mutually keep each other informed concerning the activities of the Communist International, will confer upon the necessary measures of defence, and will carry out such measures in close co-operation.
  • Article 2: The High Contracting States will jointly invite third States whose internal peace is menaced by the disintegrating work of the Communist International, to adopt defensive measures in the spirit of the present Agreement or to participate in the present Agreement.
  • Article 3: The Agreement shall come into force on the day of its signature and shall remain in force for five years. The contacting States will, in a reasonable time before the expiration of the said term, come to an understanding upon the further manner of their co-operation.

A Supplementary Protocol further defining the above was issued.


  1. Grenville, J. A. S., The Major International Treaties 1914-1973, Methuen & Co, London, 1974, pps:168-9, 174, ISBN 416-09070-2