Frankfurt School

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Institute for Social Research (German: Institut für Sozialforschung, IfS), 1924–1933; 1933 Geneva; 1934/35 New York (Columbia University).

The Frankfurt School (German: Frankfurter Schule) is a Marxist affiliated school of social theory and philosophy. Its origin go back to the "Institute for Social Research" at the University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The "Frankfurt School" is also used as a term for individuals affiliated with the Institute for Social Research or influenced by them.

History of the Frankfurt School

Prominent members of the Frankfurt School
Frankfurt-School IV.jpg

The Institute for Social Research (IfS) emerged from the 1920 founded Hermann Weil Foundation (Hermann Weil-Stiftung). Hermann Weil emigrated to Argentina in 1890 and had set up a grain trading company there, which soon developed into a global company with sales in the millions. In 1907, Weil had returned to Germany, where he continued being active as an entrepreneur until his death in 1927 in Frankfurt.[1]

The start of the Institute was a week-long symposium, Erste Marxistische Arbeitswoche ("First Marxist Work Week"), held in Ilmenau, Germany in 1923. The First Marxist Workweek was organized and funded by German-Argentinean agricultural magnate Felix Weil with the purpose of combining the different trends of Marxism. The symposium was attended by Georg Lukács, Karl Korsch, Karl August Wittfogel, and Friedrich Pollock, among others. The event was reportedly so successful that Weil set about erecting a building and funding salaries for a permanent "Institute for Marxism" modeled upon the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow. In 1924 (inauguration on 22 June), with the help of the German Communist Party, the Institute for Social Research was opened at Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University in Frankfurt with Carl Grünberg as its first Director.

The first generation of the Frankfurt School were mainly Jews. It was created during the Weimar Republic and soon become very influential. The Frankfurt School was perceived to be a communist organization and was closed down within six weeks of Adolf Hitler’s ascent to power. It migrated to the United States (until after World War II), where it was also widely perceived to be a communist organization.[2]

The initial work at the Institute was oriented towards exploring Marxism as a scientific and economic methodology, but after the death of Grünberg and the temporary directorship of Pollock, Jewish Marxist Max Horkheimer was appointed the to the chair and changed the direction of the Institute from promoting an orthodox Marxist philosophy to what would later be called "Cultural Marxism," better known as "political correctness."

Prominent members of the Frankfurt school include:


The creation of racism offences and hate speech laws
Continual change to create confusion (e,g., in school curricula)
Masturbation propaganda in schools, combined with the homosexualization and transsexualism of children and their corruption by exposing them to porn in the classroom
The systematic undermining of parental and teachers’ authority
Mass immigration to destroy national identity and foment future race wars
The systematic promotion of excessive drinking and recreational drugs
The systematic promotion of sexual deviance in society
An unreliable legal system with bias against the victims of crime
Dependency on state benefits
Control and dumbing down of media (Six Jewish companies now control 96 percent of the world’s media. LD)
Encouraging the breakdown of the family (gender ideology)
Attack on Christianity and the emptying of churches

Ideology and influence

Critical theory is the name applied to the theoretical perspective of the Frankfurt School. It and its influence is discussed in the article on Cultural Marxism. It's racial variant is the Critical race theory.

See also

Further reading

External links



  1. Laier, M., 1989: Das Frankfurter Psychoanalytische Institut (1929-1933). Anfänger der Psychoanalyse in Frankfurt am Main (= Materialien aus dem Sigmund-Freud-Institut Frankfurt 9), Frankfurt (Sigmund-Freud-Institut) 1989; 2. Ed. Münster (Lit Verlag) 1994, 133 pp.
  2. Kevin B. MacDonald: The Culture of Critique. 1998, 2002. 1st Books Library.