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 {{ #expr: {{worldpop-base}} + {{worldpop-daily-inc}} * {{Age in days|2011|7|1}} round -2 }}
  • Looks better with commas: 7,995,037,300
  • Present value of {{worldpop-base}} is 6,946,043,989
  • Present value of {{worldpop-daily-inc}} is 211,150.027
  • Automatically updates ONCE per day at 00:00 UTC (possibly offset during daylight savings)
  • Formatted to nearest 100 to reduce likelihood of display in scientific notation, and also to avoid false precision

Regarding rounding

  • if rounded to nearest 100-thousand, will often display in scientific notation
  • if round ends in 5 zeroes, there is an intermittent sci notation problem
  • This CAN happen even if the number is rounded to 0 places - IF the number ends in 5 zeroes
  • results are inconsistent, seemingly dependent on which server renders the numbers
result "textified" with commas
none 7,995,037,323.136
0 7,995,037,323
1 7,995,037,320 7995037320 7,995,037,320
2 7,995,037,300 7995037300 7,995,037,300
3 7,995,037,000 7995037000 7,995,037,000
4 7,995,040,000 7995040000 7,995,040,000
5 7,995,000,000 7995000000 7,995,000,000 at 211,150.027 more per day,
this value will change daily
6 7,995,000,000 7995000000 7,995,000,000
7 8,000,000,000 8000000000 8,000,000,000
8 8,000,000,000 8000000000 8,000,000,000
9 8,000,000,000 8000000000 8,000,000,000


date population
change #
2011-07-01 6,946,043,989
2011-08-01 6,952,589,639 6,545,650 31 211,150.00
2011-09-01 6,959,135,290 6,545,651 31 211,150.03
2011-10-01 6,965,469,791 6,334,501 30 211,150.03
2011-11-01 6,972,015,442 6,545,651 31 211,150.03
2011-12-01 6,978,349,943 6,334,501 30 211,150.03
2012-01-01 6,984,895,594 6,545,651 31 211,150.03
2012-02-01 6,991,441,244 6,545,650 31 211,150.00
2012-03-01 6,997,564,595 6,123,351 29 211,150.03
2012-04-01 7,004,110,246 6,545,651 31 211,150.03
2012-05-01 7,010,444,747 6,334,501 30 211,150.03
2012-06-01 7,016,990,398 6,545,651 31 211,150.03
2012-07-01 7,023,324,899 6,334,501 30 211,150.03
YEAR 77,280,910 366 211,150.027
  • Source: http://www.census.gov/population/popclockworld.html
    • 6,946,043,989 is the US Census estimate for 2011-07-01 (2011 July)
    • 211,150.027 per day is both the average for the year & the nearly-equivalent daily value within every month
    • Above figures are sometimes changed by that site - even retroactively. At last check, that site was last revised 2011-JUN-28.

See also
