Python (programming language)

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Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, interactive computer programming language. It is a high-level, general purpose programming language and is used in millions of applications big and small from desktop, mobile, robotics and artificial intelligence. It was created by Guido van Rossum in the 1980s as a successor to the ABC programming language, and was released officially in 1991.

Python is a portable language, meaning it can run on many operating system variants, this includes Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Python utilizes high-level data types, dynamics, exceptions, import modules, classes, and can work with multiple programming paradigms. It can be visually recognized by its use of indentation to define code context.

Python routinely tops technology polls as one of the most popular programming languages. This popularity is often attributed to Python's clear, readable syntax, robust community, and open source usage rights.

Applications and usage

Python's widespread usage is often attributed to its open source paradigm. The open source aspect of Python has lead to many notable applications of the language which go far beyond its original purpose.


Frameworks such as Flask or FastAPI, utilize Python to serve HTML on a web server, and enable web development with Python. Beautiful Soup, a popular web scraping framework, enables developers to capture data from web resources using Python.


Devices such as the Rasberry Pi or Lego Hub utilize Python to allow developers to build hardware and robotics that run on Python.


The Kivy and Tkinter are two popular frameworks which use Python. Kivy focuses on building mobile apps which target many environments, and Tkinter mainly serves as a Desktop development framework, however it is possible to run applications made with Tkinter on certain Android mobile devices.

Big Data

Anaconda is a widely used environment for big data analytics and machine learning.

See Also