Paul Findley

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Paul Findley.

Paul Findley (born June 23, 1921) is a US politician who has been a member of the House of Representative from 1960 to 1982. During this period he became aware that there are too many in the US government who are pre-primed to roar approval for all things Israeli, right or wrong; whether it be perpetual financial aid or going to war on their behalf [1]. For well over a half century, with rare exceptions, Jewish influence in the halls of political and governmental power has been off-limits for rational, reasoned discussion and it was Findley's opposition to this rubber-stamp approval for Israel that ultimately led to his to downfall[1]. In 1980, his opponent charged him with anti-Semitism. Money poured into the campaign of Findley's opponent from across the country and two years later he was defeated by a narrow margin[1]. In 1984, Senator Charles Percy, a sometimes critic of Israel, also lost his seat and leaders of the Israel lobby claimed credit for defeating both Percy and Findley[1].


Audio interviews


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Stephen J. Sniegoski (2008) The Transparent Cabal - The NEOCONSERVATIVE AGENDA, WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST, AND THE NATIONAL INTEREST OF ISRAEL, Norfolk, Virginia, page ix-x.