Nationalist Party of Canada
The Nationalist Party of Canada is a White nationalist Canadian political party that was founded in 1977 in Toronto by Don Andrews (born Vilim Zlomislic), who continues as leader of the party. The goals of the party are the promotion and maintenance of European Heritage and Culture in Canada.
The Nationalist Party evolved from another white nationalist organization, the Western Guard, as a result of Andrews being barred by the government from associating with the Guard due to his bail conditions. The group was briefly known as the National Citizens Alliance.
From 1977 to 1985, the party published The Nationalist Report, which ceased publication when Don Andrews and Party Secretary Robert Smith were charged and convicted under the Criminal Code of Canada for promoting hatred.
In 1986, Andrews and Smith endorsed Holocaust skeptic Jim Keegstra's bid to lead the Social Credit Party of Canada. The two men appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada in 1989, seeking to have their conviction overturned. The court rejected the appeal in December 1990, ruling that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms did not protect diverse opinions on race. Andrews and Smith served jail terms following the ruling.
Still based in Toronto, the NPC continues to further its goals through supporting such projects as European Heritage Week and a shortwave radio program.
Don Andrews has run for Mayor of Toronto several times, including in 2003 when he won 0.17% of the vote. In that year, two other party members ran unsuccessfully for Toronto city council.