Mobile Crematoriums

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Mobile Crematoriums were reported to have been used by Russia in her invasion of Ukraine. The story is reminiscent of Mobile Gas Chambers allegedly used by Germany during the so-called Holocaust of the Second World War.[1] In fact the Ukranian government is making the same comparison in this war by calling the use of these vehicles to be “the new Auschwitz”.[2]

Reports of these crematoriums may have been used to incinerate dead Russian soldiers or civilians to cover-up war crimes. Volodymyr Zelenskyy suggested the former.[3] Vadim Boychenko mayor of Mariupol indicated that tens of thousands of civilians may have been processed in the mobile crematoriums to hide Russian war crimes.[4] Early reports are having difficulty in getting their story straight.

Skepticism of this story has been expressed, asking how could an army that did not have enough fuel for their own vehicles be capable to running mobile crematoriums?[5]


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