Midgards Söner
Midgårds Soner (Swedish for sons Midgards) was a Swedish Nationalist punk band formed in 1993. In addition, the band belongs beside Skrewdriver to the more well-known representatives of the Rock Against Communism scene. The cover of the "North Kall" a shows punk with a black-and-white-red Mohawk. Most albums appeared on the label Dim record. In the year 1999 the band finally dissolved. The guitarist at that time, DP is today a singer the band The Jinx.
- Ny Tid (1993)
- Nordens Kall (1995)
- Fä Dör (1999)
- Sverige Vikingaland (1993)
- 1994 Carolus Rex - I (03. Midgårds söner, 07. 30 november, 11. Nordanvind)
- 1996 Carolus Rex - II (03. If a dot, 10. Slaget vid Narv, 15. Av is och eld, 18. Under korpens skugga)
- 1996 Oi! - A Tribute (04. Real Enemy, 09. Someone's Gonna Die)
- 1997 Carolus Rex - III (04. Sverige, 12. From Sweden to Deutschland)
- 1999 Carolus Rex - IV (02. En vandring, 17. Sveas väl)
- 2002 DIM Records Promo Sampler - 25 Bands in 74 min (17. C'mon now)
- 2004 The Nordic Tribute - To the real Oi! (04. Real enemy / 07. Someone's gonna die)
- ???? Merry Chrsitmas everybody (03. Merry christmas)
- ???? NS-Sampler - Vol. 03 (03. Ny tid, 17. Romper Stomper)