Mental AIDS

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The collapse of a people’s immune system in the face of its decadence and its enemies.

Louis Pauwels[1] coined the term in the 1980s and it set off a media scandal — for it pointed at a painful truth (in general, the more the neo-totalitarian system is scandalised by an idea and demonises it, the more likely it’s true).

AIDS comes from a retrovirus that destroys an organism’s immune system. ‘Mental AIDS’ is an infection of a psychological nature that affects virtually all the ‘elites’ — the political class, the media class, show business, the ‘cultural’ community, ‘artists’, filmmakers — inclining them to oppose the interests of their own people and to advocate degenerate values as if they were actually ones of regeneration. A people, a nation, a civilisation — at the most complex, holistic level — is a living organism. European societies today are menaced by the collapse of their immunological defences: aggressions in this vein are not combated but encouraged. Faced with an evident danger, we’re witnessing a morbid case of anti-opportunity: that is, at the very moment when measures of anti-pathological defence are most needed, exactly the opposite is being called for — which, of course, simply reinforces the pathology’s progression.

Some examples: where the educational system produces illiteracy and violence, the reinforcement of the ‘anti-authoritarian’ methods responsible for these conditions are further encouraged; at the point when greenhouse gases have provoked a catastrophic global warming and need to be reduced, nuclear power, the least polluting of energy sources, is abandoned; as civil violence, delinquency, and insecurity explode everywhere, not only are their reality denied in the name of certain intellectualist sophisms, police and judicial measures that might curb them are at the same time undermined; the more Third World colonisation damages European peoples, the more measures are taken to continue it, to prevent the immunological reactions ethnic Europeans might have to it, and to denounce as ‘racist’ anyone who dares to resist it. Similarly, just as Europe is threatened with demographic collapse, policies which might increase the birth rate are denounced and homosexuality idealised. At the very moment, then, when corrective measures are required, the very opposite is advocated — which simply reinforces the malady’s progression.

There are other examples of mental AIDS: worthless, vacuous forms of ‘art’, like tags,[2] are characterised as ‘works of genius’; degenerate or deviant human types are turned into social models, etc.

The mental AIDS afflicting European ‘elites’ is spreading through a process of intellectual bewilderment: its pathology arises from the ‘false spirit’ that despises ‘vulgar common sense’ (claiming that black is white) and relies thus on a forced optimism (‘everything is going great’, even though it’s not). Mental AIDS is based on a misrepresentation of reality — as well as an inability to detect viral attacks.

With biological AIDS, T4 lymphocytes, which are supposed to defend the organism, fail to react to the HIV virus as a threat, and instead treat it as a ‘friend’, helping it in this way to reproduce. The same holds true for mental AIDS. Catholic prelates, like secular republicans, argue with great conviction that ‘Islam and immigration are an enrichment’, even though it clearly threatens to destroy them. Most of the time, this is not a matter of the ‘elites’’ cynical betrayal, but something worse: the loss of inner reference and sound judgment. Mental AIDS is an intellectualist pathology which must be ceaselessly denounced — for its watchword seems to be: ‘Why do something simply when instead it can be made complicated?’ Mental AIDS confuses, in effect, the enemy with the friend.

(see ethnomasochism; xenophilia)

  1. Louis Pauwels (1920-1997) was a French author and journalist, and a follower of Gurdjieff, who became known in the 1960s as a writer and publisher of popular writings on occult matters and science fiction, particularly through his book The Morning of the Magicians, which remains one of the most popular (if highly inaccurate) accounts of the supposed ‘occult’ origins of National Socialism. In 1978 he began publishing the Figaro-Magazine, which became a forum for New Right thinkers.
  2. Tags are a type of graffiti, usually used to mark a particular gang’s territory or the identity of its creator.