Lindsey Graham

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Lindsey Graham is a current serving Republican Senator from South Carolina.



Lindsey Graham served in the Air Force as a a lawyer from 1984-1988 and then the South Carolina Air National Guard until 1995.[1] In 1994, Graham was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and in 1995 he joined the U.S. Air Force Reserves, he retired from the Air Force Reserves in June 2015. Graham was elected to the United States Senate in 2002 and was re-elected in 2008, 2014, and 2020. He is currently serving in the U.S. Senate.


On June 6, 2020, a man named Philip Huang wrote on Medium[2] that 'In November of 2013, Lindsey Graham hired me as an escort.' The escort claims to have visually seen a unique cluster of moles around Senator Grahams buttocks, saying "I wet a face towel and wiped and wiped between his buttocks but nothing was coming off. Then I realized that his taint wasn’t dirty, it was just full of moles. Dark moles, in dense clusters up and down the length of his taint."

The detailing of a unique physical feature has lead some to speculate that this controversy is a part of a larger blackmail operation regarding the Senator, which is claimed by some to be controlled by the Israeli government.[3] In addition to this claim, Graham has often displayed overtly strong support for Israel, at times pushing full support behind the use of Israeli weapons even against Palestinian civilians. Senator Graham has been quoted by numerous media outlets as saying " Israel Should Do ‘Whatever’ They Want to Palestinians Like When U.S. Nuked Japan".[4]
