Of catholic confession and member of Renouveau français, this nationalist rapper has so far released two albums, both at the label Patriote productions. He became most of all famous in 2007 by rewriting and turning the song "Gravé dans la roche" (Graved in stone) of the artist Sniper into a nationalist music video[1]. This video clip was shown on national television, during an emission of Karl Zéro, assuring a good publicity for Goldofaf[2]. The first album, "Génération Faf" [3] counts six titles while the second "Dans la tourmente" (Through the chaos) counts eleven. In addition to the first mock-video of Sniper, two more videos have been released, based on songs from the second album[4]. Recently, Goldofaf was invited to an emission of "Jeune Résistance", the web-radio Radio Résistance [5].
2007: remake of "Gravé dans la roche" of artist Sniper (non-commercialized).
"Génération Faf" (2008)
- 1. Intro
- 2. Génération Faf (4.00)
- 3. A la jeunesse de France (3.55)
- 4. Souvenir vendéen (3.48)
- 5. La voix des innocents (4.51)
- 6. Hommage à Rex (4.39)
"Dans la tourmente" (2009)
- 1. Vivre pour l'honneur de la patrie
- 2. On m'a dit
- 3. Sales rappeurs
- 4. Démocratie
- 5. Le combat de demain
- 6. Gloire à toi
- 7. Champ de Mars
- 8. Le Kosovo serbe
- 9. Âme suicidée
- 10. La Bretagne ma région
- 11. Rare
- ↑ "Gravé dans la roche" version Goldofaf, the video clip.
- ↑ Goldofaf dans l'émission de Karl Zéro.
- ↑ Presentation of the album Génération FAF.
- ↑ "Vivre pour l'honneur de la patrie" (Living for the honour of the fatherland), the video."Ame suicidée" (Suicide soul), the video.
- ↑ Emission of "Jeune Résistance" N°8.