Vatican II Church
The Vatican II Church refers to the mainstream Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council (1962-65). Some traditional Catholic critics may argue that this denomination is no longer Catholic.
It may also be argued that problems started before the council, such as during the 1958 papal election when, according to the Siri thesis, the traditionally oriented Giuseppe Siri was elected pope, but forced to decline due to threats.
Alternative derogatory terms include "Novus Ordo Church" with reference to the new Mass.
See also
External links
- L'Osservatore Romano at
- Official Counter-Church Website at
- The Vatican at YouTube
- Novus Ordo Wire at (critical)
- at YouTube (critical)
- Maurice Pinay at Blogspot (critical)
- Catechism on the Errors of Vatican II at
- The Unfolding of Modernism in France by Roger D. Haight
- Freemasonry in the Church at
- The Religious Orders in the Vatican II Sect: Totally Apostate at One True Catholic Faith
- The Work of Human Hands, Video Series by Fr. Anthony Cedaka
- Vatican and Babylon by Ludmilla Perepiolkina (critical Orthodox view)
- Living "Cardinals" of the Vatican II sect by Salvador Miranda
- The Lie of Integralism at Unam Sanctam Catholicam