Udo Walendy

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Udo Walendy.

Udo Walendy (born 21 January 1927) "is one of the most prolific revisionist researchers, writers and publishers in the world. He has written numerous books and since the early 1970s has been publishing a German periodical called Historische Tatsachen (historical facts), so far encompassing over 110 issues -- including the German version of Did Six Million Really Die? and the German language version of the first Leuchter Report. Walendy was one of Ernst Zündel’s advisors and witnesses during the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials. As a result of his activities, his home and offices were frequently raided by the police, business files, books, printing plates and computers were confiscated. Many of his publications are either indexed (i.e., they may not be offered publicly) or altogether prohibited.

In 1996 and 1997, Walendy, at that time aged 70, was convicted in Germany and sentenced to 15 and 14 months without parole, respectively, for having published and distributed several issues of his periodical Historische Tatsachen."[1]

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