Mass: Massification

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The transformation of a people into a mass of undifferentiated, uniform individuals.

It comes with modern egalitarianism. ‘The masses’: this concept shared by both Marxism and capitalism is alien to every organic notion of an ethnically-created people. Massification implies cultural uniformity and race-mixing (métissage), consumerism and the cult of commodities. The ‘atomised masses’ oppose both the free individual and the people as an organic ensemble organised in communal hierarchies. This enterprise of massification and homogenisation has, however, failed everywhere, except unfortunately among native Europeans, who have been emasculated by it. But despite its will to ‘reduce everything to the same’, despite socioeconomic standardisation, egalitarian market society has failed to neutralise ethnic nationalism or the resurgence of identities.

(see individualism; neo-primitivism)