Gates of Vienna

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Gates of Vienna is a website based in the Untied States, part of the counterjihad movement. Its name is derived from the two Ottoman sieges of Vienna in 1529 and 1683 (Battle of Vienna) against the forces of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, marking two defeats of Islamic expansionism in Europe. Similarly to the counterjihad movement more generally, it avoids issues such as race and is pro-Christian as well as pro-Israel.


Although administered by Edward S. May and his wife, both non-Jews, Gates of Vienna is a thoroughly Judeophile website. May, who uses the penname of "Baron Bodissey", has shunned all substantial discussion about the Jewish problem in his site. He is an American WASP, whose father worked for the National Security Agency (NSA), which goes some way to explain the Zionism (May himself may have worked as an NSA spy in Britain, at Menwith Hill, in relation to the British-Saudi Al-Yamamah arms deal).

See also

External links