The Affirmative Action Hoax: Diversity, the Importance of Character and Other Lies

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The Affirmative Action Hoax
Author(s) Steven Farron
Language English
Publisher New Century Foundation
Publication year 2010
ISBN 0965638383

The Affirmative Action Hoax: Diversity, the Importance of Character and Other Lies is a 2005 book by Farron Steven. An expanded and revised second edition was published in 2010 by New Century Books.

Publisher description

"Exhaustive, well-documented, and hard-hitting, Professor Steven Farron‘s powerful critique of racial preferences, The Affirmative Action Hoax, is now available in a greatly expanded, revised second edition from New Century Books.

Since the 1980s, there has been increasing criticism of so-called affirmative action, but no other book matches The Affirmative Action Hoax in its scope and incisiveness. This book does not mince words like other critiques of racial preferences; it unmasks the defenses of preferences as the “shameless frauds and deliberate lies that they are.” It shows that elevating non-academic admissions criteria, such as “diversity” and character assessments, to the same level as objective criteria has no purpose other than to justify the anti-white discrimination that has taken hold of American universities since the 1960s.

Prof. Farron demonstrates how racial preferences have moved from admissions to grading and even graduation, and shows how the lies necessary to justify preferences corrupt our academic institutions and the people who run them. He shows — with irrefutable numeric evidence — that the true victims are not blacks and Hispanics or even Asians, all of whom enjoy undiluted advantages. The victims are whites.

Prof. Farron argues that if we must have racial preferences, explicit quotas are the most efficient, honest, and fair way to practice them."

Publication data

  • The Affirmative Action Hoax: Diversity, the Importance of Character and Other Lies, 2nd Edition, Steven Farron, 2010, New Century Books, ISBN-10 0965638383, ISBN-13: 978-0965638388

External links