Roger Dommergue

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Roger Dommergue was a French Jewish professor, known for less politically correct views on the Holocaust.

The French Holocaust revisionist Robert Faurisson, persecuted multiple times, wrote in 2000 that "I sometimes hear it said that there is greater risk for a Jew than for a non-Jew to profess revisionist views. The facts disprove this assertion. Not one Jew has been convicted or held liable in court for revisionism, not even Roger-Guy Dommergue (Polacco de Menasce) who, for years, has produced the most vehement writings against the lies of those whom he calls his “fellow creatures” (congénères). No-one as yet has ventured to invoke either the Pleven (1972) or the Fabius-Gayssot Act (1990) against him."[1]

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