The belief that the immigrant masses can become French or European if they renounce their cultural origins.
Assimilationism is, at root, a disguised form of racism. It’s also a utopia. The doctrine of assimilation was born from the quasi-religious and universalist ideals of the American and French Revolutions, as well as the Russian Revolution. It supposes that there are no peoples, that ethnic realities are a fantasy, and that the only thing that counts is the individual as consumer.
Only small minorities can be assimilated. Never in the history of mass immigration has a people been assimilated by those among whom they’ve settled. Faced with the present failure of assimilation, the public powers have adopted a strategy of ‘integration’ and ‘communitarianism’. But here too they have failed.
Worse: Muslim and alien ‘minorities’ have ceased, in many areas where they live, to be minorities and have turned the tables on Europeans, who are compelled to assimilate the culture and mores of the colonisers! All assimilation is equivalent to cultural genocide, for the assimilator or the assimilated.
(see communitarianism)