Anti-Fascist Network

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Anti-Fascist Network
Anti-Fascist Network.jpg

The AFN is an antifa umbrella organisation in the United Kingdom with origins from Anti-Fascist Action. Various leftist mass media protested when PayPal banned the organisation in 2018 for its promotion of violence. It continues to be allowed on various social media, unlike non-violent pro-White organisations.
See also The Alt-Right and censorship.

Existence 2011—present
Type Anarcho-Trotskyism
Cultural Marxism
Purpose Domestic terrorism
Location United Kingdom
Affiliation Solidarity Federation
International Socialist Network
Hunt Saboteurs Association
Defend the Right to Protest

The so-called Anti-Fascist Network, also known as the AFN, is an anarcho-communist domestic terrorist network in the United Kingdom, aligned with the Antifa subculture, which promotes the demographic genocide of the native population. Most of it's proponent are decadent ethnomasochist cuckolds; typically drug-addicted punk rock fans, hip hop wiggers and other anti-social elements, at the dysgenic end of the gene-pool. They consider themselves heirs of the Anti-Fascist Action group and boast of being more criminally violent than the UAF (a creation of the British establishment, whom they still collaborate with closely at protests).


Founded in 2011, they also work with black supremacist groups such as London Black Revolutionaries while attacking European ethnic solidarity groups; for instance they violently attack the family centered March for England celebration for St. George's Day and even Polish migrant groups such as Zjednoczeni Emigranci. They have protested in favour of paedophiles and rapists, particularly the Pakistanis involved in the child grooming gangs. They poke their head above the precipice at their so-called "music" festival 0161 Festival.

The main purpose of the Anti-Fascist Network is to do the dirty work of the Jewish plutocracy and suppress any native national liberation group which tries to free the people from the banks and raise the people to a higher level. They have infiltrated seemingly innocent organisations to put themselves in a positive light; for example the Hunt Saboteurs Association, which is against animal abuse (a cause close to many a nationalist heart). Groups such as Solidarity Federation should be studied closely and considered Antifa until proven innocent.

Attacks on Polish migrants

In 2014, the London Anti-Fascists group gained media attention for launching a campaign of xenophobic intimidation against the Polish migrant civil rights organisation Zjednoczeni Emigranci (United Emigrants). They have even set up a fake "Polish" (Ashkenazi Jewish) front known as Dywizjon 161 to give their Polonophobia a sense of plausible deniability. ZE is known for it's patriotism, love of Polish culture and are naturally opposed to communism because of their parents suffering terribly under that regime. The AFN have even tried to describe ZE as "neo-Nazi", a categorisation very offensive to Poles as the forefathers of Polish nationalism, the ONR-Falanga, were opposed to the Greater German Reich in World War II.[1]

A notable incident in this campaign occurred on 21 June 2014, when a bunch of anarcho-communist punks at the Markfield Recreation Ground in Tottenham who were holding a pro-antifa punk gig, began pelting Poles seated nearby with glass bottles. The Poles from ZE decided to defend themselves from the communists, not overly impressed by these criminals who support the ideology which caused the Katyn massacre and showed a good account of themselves in the fight. One 24-year-old Pole was stabbed and taken by London Ambulance Service to an east London hospital. Extremists at, fed by AFN members Oz Katerji (who also works for the BBC) and Brian Whelan (a notorious anti-Polish bigot who smeared their World Cup event), span the story in a bias manner and actually tried to blame the Polish Peril; this dangerous barbarian invader from the East, who attacked a completely innocent, fun loving, family teddy-bear picnic (Anti-Fascist Network? Never heard of it).[2][3][4]

In the aftermath of the clash and with their moles placed within the British press framing the narrative, through the National Union of Journalists, the reactionaries at Anti-Fascist Network decided to put out an xenophobic, UKIP-esque pamphlet, which tried to whip up a campaign of hostility to the Poles and failed to respect the new diversity of Tottenham, with its emerging Polish community; Blonde, White, Catholic and "Anti-Semite." The anti-migrant propaganda featured dangerously essentialist phraseology and explicitly stated that it wanted the Polish migrants "off our streets." They don't realise that we're all Europeans and the future of Tottenham is the Polish community; besides, they're only doing jobs that Brits won't do.[5]

Polish people are subhumans. I hope that Putin will conquer their sh***y country and let me send them to Siberia like my father and grandpa did. XD I'm Jew and I hate Polish mongrels. Antisocial, mentally disabled and horribly screwed sh**f**s.[6]

Terrorist cells

  • 3 Counties Anti-Fascist Alliance
  • Aberdeen Anti-Fascist Alliance
  • ACA Manchester
  • Berkshire Anti-Fascists
  • Black and Red Federation Bath
  • Brighton Anti-Fascists
  • Bristol Anti-Fascists
  • Camden Anti-Fascists
  • Dywizjon 161
  • Essex Anti-Fascists
  • Hunt Saboteurs Association
  • Leeds Anti-Fascist Network
  • Liverpool Anti-Fascists
  • London Anti-Fascists
  • North East Anti-Fascists
  • Nottingham Anti-Fascists
  • Portsmouth Anti-Fascists
  • Sheffield Anti-Fascist Network
  • South London Anti-Fascists
  • South Wales Anti Fascist Action
  • Southampton Antifa
  • Welsh Antifa
  • Wessex Solidarity
  • York Anarchists

Enemies of the people

The Anti-Fascist Network are enemies of the people, who protest in favour of Pakistani paedophile rape gangs[7][8] who assault and abuse the native population, they openly ally with black supremacist groups in places like London and attack any British national liberation group who try to stand up for the group interests of the native working-class and oppose third world immigration. As a result of their Cultural Marxist political agitation, support for open borders, the entire membership of the AFN are moral responsibility for crimes committed by foreigners against natives. Here are a few examples of native British youth who have been murdered by foreigners as a result of those like AFN demonising people who oppose demographic genocide. Never forgive, never forget, let the blood of the martyrs be the fire that keeps you resisting Antifa until total national liberation.

See also

External links


  1. Tottenham and Wood Green Journal (26 June 2014). "‘Neo-Nazi’ tag disputed as final preparations made for ‘family celebration’ of unity in Markfield Park". 
  2. (26 June 2014). "Polish fascists attacked a music festival in Tottenham on Saturday". 
  3. (26 June 2014). "A turf was is shaping up between Fascists and Anti-Fascists in Tottenham". 
  4. Urban 75 (26 June 2014). "Problems in Tottenham today". 
  5. Stormfront (26 June 2014). "Jew's kippah knocked off as Polish neo-Nazis storm Tottenham music festival". 
  6. Melina Cabana, a Jewish AFN supporter on YouTube video of incident, 24 June 2014
  7. Bolton BNP (6 February 2012). "Liverpool Crown Court Muslim grooming gang trial update". 
  8. Liverpool "Antifascists" (25 January 2012). "Oppose the BNP and EDL – Liverpool Crown Court, Monday 6 February". 
  9. Guardian (4 December 2011). "Three jailed for life for race murder of schoolboy". 
  10. Independent (7 March 2013). "Man arrested after 16-year-old girl Christina Edkins was stabbed to death on a Birmingham bus". 
  11. Examiner (28 February 2013). "Britain: 9-yr-old boy 'bullied to death for being white'". 
  12. Daily Mail (4 December 2011). "Police rapped for blunders in murder case of girl 'turned into kebab meat'". 
  13. The Guardian (4 December 2011). "Three get life in jail for racist killing". 
  14. BBC (4 December 2011). "The night terror came to town ". 
  15. BBC (4 December 2011). "The six men who killed Mary-Ann". 
  16. BBC (4 December 2011). "The night terror came to town ". 
  17. Daily Mail (4 December 2011). "Teenager killed outside his mother's house 'had throat slashed by gang'". 
  18. Ryan Parry. The killers of Ben Kinsella were gangster wannabes. Retrieved on 2011-11-06.