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Integralism or integrism (from Latin "integer" meaning enitre, whole) emerged during the 19th and early 20th century within the Catholic Church, especially in France. The term was used to describe those who opposed modernistm, who had sought to create a synthesis between Christian theology and the liberal philosophy of secular modernity. They rejected dividing church and state as well as religion and society more generally. After the Second Vatican Council period, Catholic integralism is supported by traditional Catholics.

Integralism has been associated with traditionalist conservatism.

Integralism may also be interpreted as related to some form of integration and movements seeking cultural, national, and societal integration.

There are also various extended meanings, such as regarding Brazilian Integralist Action, stated to have been influenced by fascism (broad sense) regarding some aspects, but integration was stated to be important, with the movement's slogan being "Union of all races and all peoples".

Action Française is integralist and nationalist, and has controversially been described as fascist by the German historian Ernst Nolte, who considered Action Française to be the first fascist party.

Corporatism as supported by the (medieval) Catholic Church and integralism has been stated to have influenced ideological corporatism and national syndicalism and, consequently, fascism.

Wikipedia claims that while some critics have argued for an association with fascism, "there exist deep points of disagreement: integralism stresses trade unionism and localism while fascism defends a centralist state; the traditionalist and Catholic foundation of integralist ideas against the often secular and anti-clerical, and modernist philosophical basis of fascism."

See also

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